Emails are essentially a digital marketing strategy. When you use “email marketing,” all you’re doing is sending out emails to your audience to educate them, entertain them, inspire them and, with time, turn them into clients.


In other words, email marketing uses emails to persuade people to take action. so these email marketing tactics will help you to get more subscribers


Which actions are we talking about?

  • Read more
  • Click your links


You want them to read your emails so that they get inspired, entertained, and educated. And you want them to click on your links so they can learn more about what you do and, in the short run, purchase what you have to offer.


Email Marketing is a special type of marketing strategy because once you have your system ready, all you have to do is type in some words and click the send button to reach thousands of email inboxes.



Why Email Marketing Tactics?

It’s just too easy to get started! And once you do, it will help you build a special bond with your audience.


It’s also a fast way to reach people in bulk. You’ll always be some keystrokes aways from hundred or even thousands of inboxes. That said, I want you to think about this: To whom do you give your email?


You give it to someone you trust, or at least someone you believe has a solution to a problem you have. When you give your email to someone, you willingly tell that person that you want to receive what they have to offer.


You’re giving them permission to send you not only their cool stories and valuable information, but also their offers – we all know that someday they’ll pitch you something.


1. Email Automation

Email automation is a BIG one. It’s the part of email marketing that’s going to save you the most time and effort. It’s something you’re going to want to pay attention to.


Email automation allows you to send emails to your subscribers depending on their actions.


For example:

  • If they subscribe using Opt-in Form A, they’ll receive the sequence of emails you assigned to that form.
  • If they click on a specific link you included inside your email, they’ll get a different email than the person who didn’t click.



2. Lead Magnet

A Lead Magnet is a free product (incentive) you offer to persuade people to subscribe to your email list. Meaning, they give you their email, and you give them something back for free in exchange for it.


What kind of stuff can you give away for free to 10X the growth of your newsletter?

  • Free Report or Guide
  • Educational Video
  • Free Trial
  • Resource List
  • Checklist
  • Ebooks
  • Reports
  • Discounts
  • Email Course
  • Discounts
  • Downloadable Software
  • Physical Products


Now you’re up to speed with the terms, you’ll be using them to help you master email marketing.


3. Creating Landing Page

A landing page is a special webpage designed to promote a single product, service,idea, or offer. Emphasis on single. ONLY ONE OFFER per landing page, please. You need a landing page to promote your newsletter.


It doesn’t have to be fancy. It could just have a text that says “Learn how to do X without Y” and then the opt-in form asking for the person’s name and email.


The Goal Of The Landing Page

The goal is to get your potential customers to take one action. In email marketing terms, is to make a conversion.


This action (the conversion) could be:

  • Downloading your ebook
  • Buying your product or service
  • Subscribing to your newsletter
  • Registering to participate in your event
  • Giving you their email


Can you see the potential of using a Landing Page to get new clients, sell your product, or persuade people to subscribe to your newsletter?


Above all, a Landing Page is a magnet for emails. You ask users to provide their email in exchange for the ebook, information, service, or something you’re promoting.


Most companies/people use Landing Pages to ask their audience to subscribe to their newsletter. we suggest you do the same. As, once you have their emails, guess what you can do with them?


If your answer was, “sell my services and products to them,” you are 100% correct.


Emails that Generate Revenue


4. Welcome Email Sequence

A welcome sequence is the best thing you could add to your email marketing campaign. The welcome sequence is the first lot of emails your subscribers will receive.


When they initially join your list – it’s your opportunity to make a fantastic first impression. Think of a welcome sequence as an appetizer for what you have to offer.


Why a welcome sequence?

  1. To welcome new subscribers
  2. To nurture your tribe
  3. To set expectations
  4. To send your lead magnet


You want your subscribers to understand who you are, what you do, and what to expect from you.



5. Use Landing Pages Hacks / Ticks


  •  Keep It Simple

Avoid fancy images, fancy text, fancy animations. A newsletter’s landing page should be simple.


  • Use The Word Free In The Subscription Form Button

Here’s a secret. People love the word FREE! Almost as much as they love the word secret.


free access button


By adding the word FREE in the text of the button, you make it more attractive for readers to subscribe to your newsletter. Think of it as a brain hack. You can have that for free.


  • Add An Acceptance Checkbox

Robert Cialdini, the author of one of the best books on persuasion, Influence, explains the Principle of Commitment & Consistency.


Acceptance Checkbox


This principle states that people seek to uphold consistency between what they think, say, and do. Do you know of anyone who likes being called a hypocrite? People or companies who say one thing while doing the other tend to be mauled by the market.


This is one of the reasons why people try to stay consistent. You also want people to trust you. Inconsistent people can’t be trusted. This principle also explains why it’s tougher to attract new customers than to keep those you already have. It’s easier to buy from someone you already trust.


So… What does adding an Acceptance Checkbox to your newsletter do?


When someone clicks the Acceptance Checkbox, they AGREE to be sent promotional offers, which makes them agree that they are a person who wants to be sold stuff by you.


While the Consistency Principle is powerful, the more persuasion techniques you use, the higher your chances of getting a sale – in this case, getting more subscribers.


Part of getting new subscribers is to persuade them that you’re interested in helping them. When people subscribe to your list, they signal they want to learn more from you. It’s the starting point that leads to them trusting you.


  • Benefits. Bullet Points. Bold Text.


bullet points


Benefits are how the product makes your client’s life better. Benefits are the results people might get by purchasing your product. People buy because they envision achieving massive results using your services/products/ideas.


This is why I suggest you list the benefits of subscribing to your newsletter. Add the benefits in bullet points. Why bullet points? People love listicles!


A bullet point is a brief statement. You use them to identify the benefits of your offer (your newsletter). Great landing pages usually have bullet points.


Finally, make every other item of the bullet point list bold. This will make each individual item easier to read.


  • Add Testimonials

“Social proof is based on the idea of normative social influence, which states that people will conform in order to be liked by, similar to, or accepted by the influencer (or society). – Conversionxl”


testimonial example


It’s where you let others do the selling for you. Types of social proof:


  1. Video testimonials
  2. Written testimonials
  3. Star ratings
  4. Reviews
  5. Case studies
  6. Client logos
  7. Press coverage
  8. Follower count


For your newsletter’s landing page, use written testimonials and photos. Remember, 1 Keep It Simple!



6. Avoid these Email Writing Habits

before giving you ideas about writing everything on the email, you will have to be careful with these habits when writing and sending to your email subscribers.


  • You don’t need to teach something in every email

See, people love it when you reveal your inner thoughts. You become more relatable when you let them into your world. You become a flesh and blood human being instead of lines of text on a phone screen.


for example , you can write your day to day life moments. This creates a sense of community and belonging. It helps you develop a bond of trust between you and your readers.


  • You don’t need to talk about your areas of expertise all the time

Has anyone ever told you to stay in your lane? In my opinion, this has to be the worst advice someone can give. I mean, how is someone supposed to learn or discover themselves if they “stay in their lane”?


“Stay in your lane” is a motto for people with a scarcity mindset. You have your role, and you must play it until you die—what fun.


Sometimes, readers want to learn is not something that you are well-versed in. But, if you have a way to provide valuable information about a particular topic, you will. Now.


It could be something as simple as sharing other people’s products or ideas.


  • You don’t need to write long emails.

Some days, you’ll send a 250-word email that took a couple of minutes to write. Other days, you can send a 2000 word email that will take few hours to write.


Just write, write, write. And once you’re done writing, edit, edit, edit. Then edit once more. All that said, what are you supposed to write about? How can you find inspiration for writing your emails?


Emails that Generate Revenue


7. Getting People To Open Your Emails

People choose to open your emails for two main reasons:


1. The Subject Line caught their attention.
2. They already like what you do and trust you.
3. Or both (I know I said two… 😊 ).


At first, most people have no idea who you are, what you do, what you offer, or how you can help them. If you’re like other content creators/marketers/salespeople who are starting out on this beautiful ride, you might find yourself butting heads with others for attention.


How come? Well, it’s because you still haven’t proven yourself to others.


The main purpose of having an email list is to create a special bond between you and your readers. In other words, your email list is meant to develop trust between you and your readers.


So, what to do when you’re starting out? What to do when people have no idea who you are? How do you get across who you are in a way that grabs a reader’s attention?


The simple answer is you create more attractive subject lines. Write subject lines that make people feel something. How do you make someone feel? By appealing to emotion.


What emotions can you appeal to? Well here are a few good ones to aim for:

  1. Curiosity
  2. Shame (don’t overuse this)
  3. Fear
  4. Motivation
  5. Happiness


When people first subscribe to your email list, they expect you to teach them something of value. During those initial days, make sure your subject lines are eye-catching.


How do you know if you are on the right track? By checking out the Open Rate of these emails!



email open rates


Imagine you have an email sequence running. All you have to do is take a peek at the Open Rate of these emails once a week and tweak the subject lines until the open rate rises.



8. Write Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

While there is no single, magical answer to this, there are ways to increase the CHANCES, or the likelihood of writing subject headers that your subscribers will read.


  • Keep your subject line short.

How short? The simple answer is 37 characters. This is not a “lucky” number, but the precise number of characters that most mobile devices will show inside the inbox.


Now, the subject line can be longer than 37 characters. Just make sure the eye-popping words are within the first 37 characters. Think of it as a framework that will challenge you.


If you can keep this in mind, you’ll come out of this a better writer in the long run. You need to remember MOST people use their phones to check their emails, adapting to this restriction is crucial if you want to grow your list.


  • Use Reader’s First Name At The Beginning Of Subject Line

Most email marketing software will let you add your subscribers’ first names not only inside the body of the email but also in the subject line.


Humans are primed to detect their names, even during noisy situations. And most people’s inboxes are… noisy. Visually noisy, that is.


Let me introduce you to the Cocktail Party Effect. “The Cocktail Party Effect refers to the ability to focus one’s attention to a particular stimulus while filtering out a range of other stimuli (i.e., noise)” –


Using someone’s name is one of the top ways to get them to pay attention. While the cocktail party effect refers to auditory stimuli, it also somewhat works in the written form.


Believe me, emails that start with people’s first names get opened. Do you understand the importance of using someone’s name? Go try it out.


Here are some examples:

  1. {FirstName}, here’s your guide
  2. {FirstName}! I picked these for you.
  3. Yo! {FirstName}, ready to make 2023 your best year?
  4. 12 hours left, {FirstName}!
  5. {FirstName}, here’s a gift for you.


  • Use Powerful Words

Some words are better than others. So here’s a list of 8 high-performing words to catch your newsletter subscriber’s


  1. Their First Name
  2. Money
  3. Lies
  4. Scam
  5. Formula
  6. Secret
  7. Banned
  8. Free


Watch your opening rate skyrocket!


  • Use The $ Sign

Now, don’t overuse this resource – you don’t want to be sent to the spam folder by Gmail. People love what they can do with money.


So this tiny $ symbol can trigger all kinds of thoughts from your readers. Tested this out. You’ll usually see a slight increase in the opening rate.


  • Use Curiosity

People desire to be informed. More importantly, people fear missing out. By activating people’s curiosity, they will struggle to resist clicking open on your emails.


Activating curiosity isn’t easy. So here are some simple formulas to get it done correctly.


1. Use a twist – Say something most people agree on and crush it.


2. Ask questions –  At first, use questions that you would love an answer to. With time, you’ll understand your audience better, making it easier for you to ask more specific questions to your subscribers.


3. The “I’ve Ever Seen” trick – People who subscribe to your list want to know more about you. They’ll buy the books you recommend, watch the movies you recommend, and take action on your ideas.



9. Get People To Read Your Email


  • Tell stories

Tell them how you got your first clients, tell them about the time you almost died, and tell them about the time you failed as a parent.

Tell them about the awful hardships you overcame and what you learned.


  • Teach them something of value

The more problems you solve for people, the more value you provide to the world. The more people will value you too. we will describe 4 ways to provide value


Method 1: Entertain Your Tribe

People love being entertained. Think about the billions of dollars the entertainment industry makes every year. Netflix, Hollywood, Music & Arts, Dance & Performance, Theater, Video Games…Porn…People use entertainment as a way to reduce stress and anxiety.


Some even use it as a way to escape reality. To entertain your tribe, you don’t need to invest millions of dollars in building a massive studio, buying fancy cameras, or having a three-point lighting setup.


You can start by entertaining your audience with the written word or a video of yourself talking to the camera. Don’t worry if you don’t have the most modern camera. As long as they can hear you and see you, they won’t mind.


Storytelling is a great and simple way to entertain your audience. Tell your story to your reader. People love a good story.


Method 2: Provide An Exact Solution

You diagnose the problem. You solve the problem. You get paid for it. That’s the service industry in a nutshell. You create an offer, you pitch your offer, and you get paid for providing an exact solution.


Think about the following questions for a couple of minutes:

  • What skills do you have?
  • Can these skills help you to make money?
  • Are there people trying to find problem-solvers such as you?
  • How can you solve people’s problems with your current skills?
  • How much time will it take you to fix the so-called problem?


See, problem-solvers are the ones who get paid. Become a problem solver.



10. Teach The Solutions

You don’t have to “get paid” to teach the solutions. You can post your solutions online for free to gather attention. To be honest, it feels good to get paid. You can get paid by selling ebooks, courses, mentorships, and consultations.


Teaching is a multi-billion industry. The good thing is there will always be teaching opportunities as long as humans are on Earth.


Now, how do you teach? Let’s say you were a weakling. Spaghetti arms, no muscle mass. You realized you could not live like this, so over time, you got bigger and stronger. And now you want to show others how you achieved this.


So, how can you help others get lean and strong? All you have to do is write down exactly what you did to accomplish your fitness goals.


People will pay attention to what you have to say. Some might even take action because they got inspired by your story and systems.


What to talk about in your emails? If you’re struggling to come up with things to say, answer the following questions:

  • Who or what was involved in your road to success?
  • Who did you follow on social media?
  • Which systems, programs, software, courses, ebooks did you purchase?
  • Did you have a mentor? If so, who?
  • What did you do to fix your situation?
  • How did you do it?
  • Which steps did you take?
  • How many hurdles did you have to jump over to get shit done?
  • When did you get started?
  • How long did it take you to succeed?
  • Did you give up at any time?
  • What did you do to put yourself back together when you failed?
  • Why did you get started?
  • What lit the fire inside of you to take action?
  • What did you do to stay motivated?


By answering these questions, you’ll be able to create massive amounts of content for your Tribe.


Emails that Generate Revenue


11. Make Your Audience Feel Good About Themselves

As humans, we will do anything to avoid even the teeny tiniest forms of discomfort, while at the same time, we will go out of our way to attain pleasure.


We had been living in caves scared of our own shadow for thousands of years, and you’d think we’re entitled to that extra pillow, right? People are always on the look-out for pleasure. This is a biological fact.


Why not use it to your benefit? So, how do you make your audience feel better?


Every audience is different. However, the following ideas can be implemented across all industries.


Use people’s names – or write it if you’re replying to their comments. Launch some giveaways from time to time – people love free stuff! Shoutout your tribe members – everyone loves being noticed and appreciated.


Like and share people’s replies on social media – people want to feel like they’re part of the conversation. Teach your audience how to do what you do – no one likes to feel dumb.


Entertain your audience with excellent writing and videos – it’s just good manners.


Share interesting articles with your tribe – people love being informed, and it shows that you are always learning too.


Send an “Ask Me Anything” email from time to time on your list – some people admire you and would like to learn more about you.


These are some basic ideas that will help you thrive! Put them into practice, and you’ll soon have a massive, engaged list.



12. Build a Trust

Email marketing alone has helped build many businesses and careers. It can help yours too. You may want to consider if you’re not already maintaining an active email list for your brand or business.


For every dollar spent on email marketing, you can expect to get $42 back. Email marketing is a worthwhile pursuit if you’re looking to put more money in your pockets.


  • Nail the subject line

Nailing your subject lines is one of the keys to growing your revenue from email marketing. You can write the best emails in the world. It won’t matter if people don’t read them.


Your email open rates directly impact how much money you’ll make from selling your offers. Subject lines will make or break your open rate.


The best subject lines usually promise to help a reader with a problem, answer a question, help fulfill a goal or desire. Essentially, it will hook your reader’s interest.


  • Know your goal

Before you write an email you should know what your intention is for the email. As you’re planning and writing your emails, think about the goal of each one. Every email isn’t necessarily going to be about trying to hard-sell an offer.


There can be all kinds of goals for an email:

  1. Invitation to an event
  2. Selling a product/service
  3. Educating your audience
  4. Making an announcement
  5. Sending people to a piece of content like a blog article or video
  6. Getting people to opt into something like subscribing to a social media account or subscription


  • Email frequency

Email frequency is essential for maintaining a healthy email list. Just like when it comes to a successful social media account or a successful blog, email lists require regular posting.


For several reasons, watching your email frequency is important when it comes to email marketing. First off, you don’t want to spam people constantly. If you do that too often, they unsubscribe.


When you’re sending out offers too frequently, they tend to lose value and lower quality. You want to find the sweet spot between being persistent and being pushy.


Second, you want to condition your audience to check your emails regularly.


The best email lists and newsletters are ones where the audience anticipates the email to hit their inbox. Newsletters where people are excited to see the email because they know it makes for a great read.



13. Host Challenges

Create a 7-day challenge that you’ll send over email. Your mission is to write seven emails. One email for every day of the challenge.


In each email, you will ask your audience to do something that will push them ever so slightly out of their comfort zone. Use this challenge to incentivize people to join your email list.


By the way, a challenge is another type of lead magnet because you’re going to give away something for free.


Pro tips:

1. Create a landing page where you’ll pitch this challenge.
2. Create an email sequence in Convertkit 
3. Create an automation that adds the subscribers to the email sequence you just created


14. Ask Your Subscribers To Share Your Emails

How else can you get your email list to grow? When you’re getting near the thousand subscribers, ask your subscribers to share the email with people they think might need.


Also, promote, promote, promote your email list every single day.


If you have to promote it more times than you’re used to, do so. By doing this, you’ll see a massive spike in growth. Because the more traffic you drive, the higher the chances someone subscribes.




You need to put in the time and effort to establish a solid list if you want to start seeing amazing results with your email marketing.


Do this by thinking outside the box about how to increase your subscriber base. In return for your email, what do you hope to gain? What excites your interest the most?


When building an approach for expanding your email list, you may apply your own best judgment as a guide.


The concepts of good web design should be used as well. Click-through rates may be increased with adjustments to contrast, copy, and ongoing A/B testing.


There is no one certain way to build an email list with thousands of members, but there are several proven strategies that can help you get started on the right track.



Check more Articles:

Email Marketing For Beginners : Start From Scratch

How To Fix Low Email Open Rates : 8 Ways To Do That

10 Best Email Marketing Course Online

How And Why You Need Email List ?



Frequently Asked Questions


  • What To Do To Make People Interested In Joining Your Email List

Give something for free! It’s called a “lead magnet.” It can be anything, from a free guide to a video tutorial. Be creative, promote it, and start collecting those emails!


  • Can Anyone Take Your Email List Away?

To keep a long story short; the answer is yes and no. Here’s the thing. Once you subscribe to an email marketing service, you agree to the terms of service of that company.


Break those terms of service, and you will be banned no matter which company you’re working with. If the company decides you are not in line with their services, they will ban you. They won’t even ask you to clarify your position. They’ll just straight up ban you.


Regularly download backups of your email lists. Every single one of those email lists providers services offers a backup. They’ll let you download a file with all the names and emails of your subscribers.


They’ll also let you download the emails you’ve sent. While these companies can technically close your account, you can protect the
emails you’ve collected by regularly downloading a backup.


  • What’s The Best Day And Time To Send An Email?

There’s no need to find the best day and time to send emails. Now, be smart about this. If most of your subscribers are from the United States, send emails at a time you know your audience is awake.


The truth is, there’s no best day or best week or best whatever to send emails. Just send them. In the end, people will open if they like you, and the Subject Line caught their attention.


  • How To Write Your Emails Faster?

Just write the damn email – ha! Write, write, write, and then edit and spend most of your time writing that email. Add 20 minutes to a stopwatch and focus on writing.


Then, when you’re done, write the subject line. Some people might tell you, “start with the subject line.” but, that’s the wrong approach. Write the email, edit the email, and then write the subject line.


Now, while you’re writing the subject line, write between three and five variations of it. Then, choose the one you like the most.


  • How Often Should I Sell/Not Sell In My Emails?

It depends, You can freely add links to your products on your emails (even if you’re not in sales mode), but only if it makes sense to link them towards them. Meaning that the product should be relevant to the message of the email.


Do what you feel comfortable doing. Do what feels right for you. It’s your brand. Manage it as you please.



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