How to Optimize Amazon Book


8 Ways to Optimize Amazon Book to Increase Conversion Rate

When it comes to improving your conversion rate, you want to focus on the biggest optimizations first to get the biggest increase and then smaller optimizations after that. so having 8 ways to optimize your amazon book will have an effect at the end , we hope

80% of the improvement you can get in conversion rate will come from as follows:


1. Reviews

2. Book Cover

3. Title

4. Book description

5. Book format

6. Price

7. Author page PAGE

8. Look inside Feature


P.S. The concept of CRO applies just as much as to your audiobook.


1.  Reviews

I strongly believe that reviews are the biggest conversion booster (or killer) for your Amazon book. More important than your book cover. More important than your book title.


Lack of reviews are the number 1 reason why people have a low conversion rate and low sales.


One of the biggest problems for publishers is they put too little emphasis on getting reviews. 10 reviews on Amazon is not enough anymore. This happens when you move too quickly to the next book. Don’t be that person. When it comes to reviews, you want both high quantity of reviews and high-quality reviews.


  • Quantity

The number of reviews you need for a high conversion rate depends on your niche. In a highly competitive niche, you might need 200 reviews to compete. In a low-competition niche, 30 reviews might give you the most reviews in your niche.


So it depends. Look at your competition to determine the gauge of how many reviews you should have on your Amazon book to be one of the preferred options in your niche.


You need at least 100 reviews on your books before you even think about launching your next books. 100 reviews is a great goal to have and is completely doable if you put in the work. Reviews are all about putting in the work. Getting reviews is a numbers game.


  • Quality

Having high quality reviews is of course just as important. Which is exactly why you can’t BS your way in the publishing world. You can’t have 100 good reviews on your book if you don’t have a good book.


Average star rating

Minimum: 3.8/5 stars = 4 star ranking. Amazon suppresses books under 3.8 star rating. Goal: 4.3/5 stars = 4.5 star ranking


The only way you can do this over a long period of time is with a good book. A good book trumps everything.

amazon book reviewgood picture review is worth 10 written reviews. It’s shocking how big your conversion rate will go up when you have 3 picture reviews for your book.

Getting picture reviews is super simple… just ask your reviewers!


Offer to send a free paperback Amazon book to their house for them to read. The best reviews are 150 to 200 words long and very specific.

Have reviewers explain exactly WHAT they loved so much about your book.



  • Conclusion on Reviews

1. Reviews are insanely important. You should spend a lot of time gathering reviews because it is a big income producing activity
2. Shoot for at least 100 reviews on your book. It will be hard to fail if you do this.
3. Your average star rating must be at least 3.8. Goal should be 4.3 across 100 reviews.
4. Good picture reviews are key to fully optimizing your reviews section
5. The number of reviews you get on your book is a reflection of you. It’s not a matter of luck, it is completely in your control.
6. This is how you become really good at Amazon Ads


2. Book Cover

The great thing about getting an amazing book cover is it’s incredibly easy. You basically don’t have to do any work, you can just have it on 99designs Or you can get your book cover made on Fiverr, it doesn’t really matter, just make sure it’s really good.


How do you know if your cover is good? Ask yourself and other people. Book covers are subjective so you need to use your intuition.


Look at the competition and make sure you have one of the best book covers in your niche. If you know you can make your book cover better, do it. Do not settle for a bad or average cover because you will pay the price.


3. Title

Reviews, cover and book title are the big 3 conversion rate boosters. This guide is not about how to have the best book title but just look at your title again and see if you think you can improve it.


Ask yourself these three important questions:

1. Does your title mention the benefits your ideal customer is looking for? Tell your ideal customer what they want to hear.
2. Would your book title make your ideal customer feel like your book is the answer to their problems?
3. Is your title better than all of your competition?


4. Book Description

Before buying a Amazon book, many customers will read the entire book description if they are on the fence about purchasing and it will oftentimes be the difference between a sale and no sale.


Review the book description lesson again and make sure your description is as good as it can be.

1. Create curiosity and desire to read your book
2. Have relevant keywords in your description
3. Tell people what they want to hear (without lying)


5. Book Formats


amazon book format


The more purchasing options you have to offer, the more you can cater to everyone. This will increase your conversion rate noticeably.


Formats to offer to maximize your conversion rate:

1. Kindle Ebook (KDP)
2. Paperback book (KDP)
3. Audiobook (ACX)
4. Hardcover (IngramSpark)


Make sure all formats are linked together. Email KDP if it doesn’t happen automatically within 7 days.


6. Price

Price is a big buying factor for people so the price you choose will make a difference in your sales. The ultimate goal is to price your book as high as possible so that you can make big royalties on every sale.


But you can only price high when your Amazon book is worth the high price tag. What you can price your book at and still make a lot of sales depends mostly on your competitions prices and how many reviews your book has.


You always want to charge what your book is worth in the customer’s eyes. If your book has no reviews, you want to charge below the competition. Then once you have more reviews than the competition, then you can begin charging $19.99 and more for your paperback book.


Price Juxtaposition Strategy

Price juxtaposition is basically price manipulation to make your main offer that you want people to buy look like a bargain and a great deal.


Medium drink: $2.50
Large drink: $3.00
XL drink: $7.50


This is why you do NOT want to offer a $2.99 ebook. People will choose the super cheap $2.99 ebook over your $19.99 paperback book. Plus it completely undermines the value of the information in your book.


But if your ebook is $9.99, a lot of people will go with your print book instead because the price difference isn’t so big anymore.


Then price your hard cover super high to make your paperback look like a bargain. When you funnel people towards the format you want them to buy, you will have significantly better royalty return on your ads.


7. Author Page

Some people will buy a book from your competitor and NOT YOU because they had an author page with info, and you had nothing. So you need to build out your author page.

amazon author page


You want your author page to display trust and authority.


1. Well-written bio about yourself/pen name
2. Image that looks real and not like a stock photo (best is to use an actual picture of yourself)
3. A library of books with good covers, titles and reviews


When you have 4 or so books on your niche, each with 100+ reviews, you will be seen as an authority figure and selling books just gets easier.


8. Look Inside Feature

Many people will use the look inside feature to find out if a book they are interested in is really for them. Make sure that the 10% preview of your book makes people BUY.


How to optimize your look inside feature:


1. Mouth-watering TOC

a. Show your book is jam packed with awesome content
b. Chapter titles and sub-titles speak to what your ideal customer is looking for

2. Great formatting



Why Optimizing 50% ACOS ( Advertising Cost of Sales )  is Great ?

ACoS is the best metric to look at to get a quick understanding of how your ads are performing, An ACoS closer to 30% is of course better, but any ACoS under 50-55% is GREAT for your business (if you are at high enough scale.)


Know this: Amazon Ads have a HUGE invisible hand effect:

1. Increasing organic rank and thus organic sales
2. Growing your email list/Facebook group and nurturing future high ticket customers
3. Increasing exposure of your brand, creating sales down the line
4. Amazon Ads under reports about 20-30% of sales


Be very aware of under reporting inside your Amazon ads dashboard. Missing sales can happen for many different reasons such as using customers are using certain browsers, incognito mode, if someone clicks on ad on their phone and then goes to their computer to purchase etc.



How to Lower Your ACOS ?

There are 3 ways to lower your ACoS (without new campaigns or targeting):


1. Decrease bids in your campaigns but this decreases impressions too. Minimal ACoS improvement.
2. Add negative keywords to test campaigns. This will decrease wasted ad spend and focus your ad spend on better converting keywords. Moderate ACoS improvement.
3. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). MASSIVE, gargantuan ACoS improvement.



Conversion Rate Optimization

CRO is the process of improving your conversion rate as much as you can. Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your book’s product page that convert into paying customers.


If 100 people visit your book’s product page and 10 people buy, you have a 10% conversion rate. The average conversion rate on Amazon is 9-10% (compared to 1% to 2% of other ecommerce sites).


15% is a great conversion rate and can realistically attainable by anyone if you put in the work to make a really attractive product page.


How to measure Conversion rate


Orders/Clicks = Conversion rate

You can only measure conversion rate through your ads, because Amazon doesn’t tell us organic visitors so we don’t know.


Conversion rate on ads is going to be close to your conversion rate on organic. If you increase your conversion rate from 5% to 10%, you instantly double the amount of money you make.


Here’s the best part of all this: in all likelihood, your conversion rate has A LOT of room for improvement. It can probably double, triple or more.




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Optimizing Your book more with above method will deliver 80% of the boost in conversions. But there are still many more optimizations you can make that can give you another 3% to 5% increase.


Please take the guide and clean up every aspect of your book and make sure it is as optimized as you can make it,


because that will have a bigger impact on the performance of your ads as anything. Small improvements in conversion rate here and there add up.




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